Through baptism, God allows us to participate in his life in Christ Jesus and makes us his children. It is through this sacrament that we receive the Holy Spirit and become members of the people of God, of the body of Christ, which is the church. Baptism becomes our commitment to grow in this new life and to strive to acquire spiritual maturity. By the baptism, God purifies us from original sin.
Baptism is the sacrament of faith that has the risen Christ as its source, and it is the offer of salvation for all people. Intimately linked to Confirmation and the Eucharist, baptism comprises with these two sacraments, Christian initiation. The child is baptized into the faith of his parents and the constant faith of his godparents and the church. Registration in the parish is a prerequisite. Parents must attend a Pre-Baptismal Preparation Session with the celebrant two months prior to the Baptism in person. For details regarding baptismal registration and requirements, please contact the parish office. |
Basic Rules and Information for Baptism
Parents are responsible for bringing their children into the sacrament of baptism as soon as possible after birth.
Baptisms are celebrated in the Church.
For a child to be baptized, it is necessary
- Parental consent, at least one parent, or the legal guardian of child.
- That there is a reasonable commitment that the child will be raised in the Catholic faith
- A person may have one or two godparents; if two are elected, they must be a male and a female.
In order for someone to be eligible as a godparent, these are the requirements...
- They must be chosen by the parents.
- Have the ability and intention to fulfill their role,
- Be at least 18 years of age or older,
- Be Catholic, have received the sacrament of Confirmation, lead a life in harmony with the Catholic faith and be a good role model for the child to be baptized,
- Cannot be the father or mother of the child,
- If they live as a couple they must be married by the Catholic Church,
- A baptized person who belongs to another Christian community may be admitted to this function as long as there is at least one Baptized Catholic godparent who meets the above criteria.
- A person who is not baptized cannot be a godparent or godmother.
To fulfill your request for your child's baptism, you are asked to follow the preparation stages offered below:
- Contact our office and express your desire to baptize your child and ask about our baptismal preparation program
- Introduce yourself to our office and fill out a Baptism request form
- Be open to the invitation to actively join our parish's faith community.
- If you are not registered parishioners with the parish, please contact the parish office and consider participating in the prayer and celebration of the Eucharistic community on Sunday.
- Parents must attend a formation workshop as well as Godparents (The Office will inform you of the dates and times)
It is very important to take your life of faith seriously because, before God, you have assumed an impressive responsibility to help in the salvation of another, your own child!
Your commitment and transparency in baptismal preparation will help you develop your child's life of faith as he or she matures.
All of the above information applies to the baptism of an infant or young children only.
If you have a child to be baptized and who is of catechetical age or age of reason (first grade or 6 years old), you and they will receive a different preparation.
Children already baptized in other Christian communities will be prepared to make a profession of faith in the Catholic Church and will receive the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation in the Rite of Welcome in full communion with the Catholic Church.
If you have questions regarding baptism or what the process might be for your particular situation, please contact us in our office at 773-286-7871 ext. 102.
Please remember that we cannot celebrate Baptisms on the following dates: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's, Easter Sunday, and during Lent (unless there is a medical emergency with the child to be baptized), July 4, or any national holiday.
Other Information:
For those who live far from or outside of Chicago and would like to baptize their child in our Parish
You must take your baptismal preparation in the parish in which you reside and then receive a testimonial letter from your pastor giving permission for your child to be baptized in Our Parish. This requirement respects the reality that pastors normally have sacramental jurisdiction only over their own parishioners.
Therefore, when one seeks a sacrament outside the parish, proper permission from the pastor is necessary. In addition, the invitation to unite first with one's own parish founds the hope that the life of faith of the family and the child to be baptized will be lived in community and not in isolation.
The baptism of a child is not denied if parents who are single or unmarried in the Catholic Church.
If your marital status is not in harmony with the Roman Catholic understanding of sacramental marriage, you would perhaps like to learn how we can help you enter into a correct sacramental marriage or, if it were necessary seek a declaration of nullity by the church, which we have service here through one of our Deacons duly prepared and approved by the Annulment Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Chicago.