Domestic Violence
You Matter... Love Shouldn't Hurt

Domestic violence is a behavior pattern based on the use of power and control of one person over another, in the context of dating, family or household relationship. Domestic violence may be physical, psychological, sexual, stalking or economic. One in four women and one in nine men are victims of contact sexual violence, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner with an impact such as injury, fear, concern for safety, needing services. [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, published in 2017.]
Chat with a service provider and find the domestic violence services nearest to you. IF you are in immediate danger, call 9ll.
Chat with a service provider and find the domestic violence services nearest to you. IF you are in immediate danger, call 9ll.
The Mission of Our Lady of the Rosary Domestic Violence Ministry is: Awareness - Services - Prevention.
- We raise awareness about Domestic Violence.
- We direct victims and their families to resources which help provide freedom from violence.
- We educate the community against Domestic Violence.

Domestic violence and abuse are about power and control, but God offers us deliverance, freedom and peace. It’s important we pray for victims’ healing and restoration, turning to the One who has the power to make all things new.
Prayer for those who suffer abuse
Lord, our world at times is divided and hostile. Some people consider themselves dominant over others
based on gender, race, color, class or status.
We believe that through Jesus’ cross our world can be reconciled and the walls of hostility can be broken.
We pray for all those who experience the pain and suffering of violence in their families and their homes,
that they may feel your healing touch and find peace in your loving embrace.
We pray for those who victimize and abuse others, that they may see the errors of their sins and seek
Through the intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary, may we understand and support those who may
come to us for help. We ask these and all things through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Oración por aquellos que sufren abusos
Señor, nuestro mundo a veces está dividido y es hostil. Algunas personas se consideran dominantes
sobre otras en función del género, la raza, el color, la clase o el estatus. Creemos que a través de la cruz
de Jesús nuestro mundo puede ser reconciliado y los muros de hostilidad pueden ser rotos.
Oramos por todos aquellos que experimentan el dolor y el sufrimiento de la violencia en sus familias y
sus hogares, para que puedan sentir su toque sanador y encontrar paz en su abrazo amoroso.
Oramos por aquellos que victimizan y abusan de otros, para que puedan ver los errores de sus pecados
y buscar el arrepentimiento.
Por la intercesión de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, que podamos entender y apoyar a aquellos que
puedan venir a nosotros en busca de ayuda. Pedimos estas y todas las cosas a través de tu Hijo,
Jesucristo. Amén.