Ministry of Consolation
The Ministry of Consolation is a ministry of prayer and presence for those families who have lost a loved one.
We assist the family in planning the funeral liturgy or chapel service by helping them select the readings, music and prayers. We offer our presence to the family by attending either the funeral, wake or memorial service and each loved one is also remembered by name in prayer through our Ministry and the Our Lady’s Prayer Group. We also provide each family with a “Comfort Basket” which contains among other things, a plant, small bread and memory stones.
We assist the family in planning the funeral liturgy or chapel service by helping them select the readings, music and prayers. We offer our presence to the family by attending either the funeral, wake or memorial service and each loved one is also remembered by name in prayer through our Ministry and the Our Lady’s Prayer Group. We also provide each family with a “Comfort Basket” which contains among other things, a plant, small bread and memory stones.