Respect Life
Mission: The Respect Life Committee is resolved to serve the people of God by working to promote a respect for all human life from conception to a natural death. We are dedicated to speaking the truth in love through both education and action. We support and welcome the work of the Respect Life Office and bring its initiatives of prayer, education, legislative action, and ministerial outreach to Our Lady of the Rosary.
Call to Prayer The Catholic Bishops of the United States have called for a nationwide effort to advance a movement for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty through prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Pray for our nation. Pray for life, marriage and religious liberty. We are in need of spiritual stamina during this time of unprecedented challenges." Join the movement --
![]() The U.S. Catholic Bishops have launched a pastoral strategy addressing critical life, marriage and religious liberty concerns.
The overall focus is to invite Catholics to prayfor rebuilding a culture favorable to life and marriage and for increased protection of religious liberty. The five-part strategy of the call to prayer includes monthly Eucharistic Holy Hours, a daily family rosary, special prayers of the faithful at all Masses, fasting and abstinence on Fridays, and the second observance of a Fortnight for Freedom. Resources can be found at: Let us love our faith, defend our faith, and live our faith! A primary task for the pro-life movement is to draw society into deeper reflection about the mystery, wonder and value of human life. We need to promote an alternative to the technological outlook which seeks to control and manipulate birth and death, to reduce nature to "matter", to elevate having over being, to depersonalize the body and sexuality, and to replace the criterion of personal dignity with the criterion of efficiency, functionality and usefulness. Our task is to call our brothers and sisters' hearts and minds to wonder and awe. - Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, "Mystery of Life Grand Prix Award Address,” January 17, 2008 U.S. Conference - |
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